Monday, April 25, 2011

Meet The Person Behind Amaryllis Events!

Heather Baker is the owner and Founder of Amaryllis Events. But what do we really know about Heather other the fact that she is an amazing event planner?

I had a chance to interview her some questions about her event planning company, family, and hobbies.

Q: How long has Amaryllis Events been in business?

I started Amaryllis Events in the Spring of 2000. I can't believe it's been so long.

why did you decide to become an event planner?

I have always been the party girl – I either am the life of the party or planning the party. I have been involved in planning and organizing events all my life so its just a natural extension of what I have always done.

Q: What is something unique about you?

I also have a degree from SFU in Woman Studies.

Q: What do you like to do on your spare time?

I love to cook, garden read and most of all, travel. In the last few years, I have been fortunate enough to have had some really cool trips. My favourites and most memorable are: a month in India travelling over 2,800km through historic Rajistan and then some R&R in Dubai on the way home; a 17day trek to Everest Base Camp in Nepal and 10 days in Shanghai at Expo using our home made VIP badges to avoid the long line ups at all the pavilions. My next adventure is a hike on the West Coast Trail.

My other passion – Gardening! It makes me really happy and I feel at peace in my garden. I even placed 1st place in a North Shore garden contest. That’s why I decided on the name Amaryllis Events, it’s one of my favourite flowers.”

Q: Do you have any pets?

“I do. I have two beautiful pugs, Toby who is 13 and his daughter Maggie. Toby loves to eat everything in sight! He once ate a dead crow on a walk and pooped feathers! He’s a riot! Maggie is calm but she loves being the dominate female of the family.”

By: Anna Louie
Amaryllis Events

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Myths of Green Events

Happy Earth Day!

Today marks another Earth Day since its first launch day on April 22, 1970. As a professional event planner, I am cognizant that our industry has the potential to reduce the amount of waste and energy during the planning of an event. After 40 years of Earth Day's inception, I still hear common myths about why many people still choose not to use eco-friendly practices in their day to day lives. What are some myths that we buy into?

Myth # 1: Green events are too expensive – False. Simply switching to pitchers of filtered water at meetings and events instead of providing bottled water can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars?

Myth # 2: Green events are a hassle to prepare for – Is it really? The process of planning of an event is no different weather you print signage on sustainable cardboard than a foam core base.

Myth # 3: Green events reduce the quality of the event experience – This is not true. We are seeing many leading events such as the Juno Awards are making a transformation in their planning processes to include sustainable practices.

Here are some great recommendations on how you stay “GREEN” and help reduce the impact on the environment at your next event:

  • Choose a caterer that offers locally grown, organic, and Ocean wise products
  • Create centrepieces with edible products such as breads, fruits or potted plants
  • Use recycling or composting as a part of your waste management procedures
  • Select recyclable signage and invitations options whenever possible
  • Incorporate natural lighting, candle lighting, or LED lights to reduc e consumption of energy

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mr. Sandman, Bring me an Airstream!

Coming Soon to Amaryllis Events...

What will Amaryllis Events soon have in common with huge Hollywood super stars such as Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey, Sean Penn, Pamela Anderson, and Colin Farrell? This week, I have travelled to Portland, Oregon to purchase the new member of our family...Consuela, a 28 ft Airstream trailer!

Photo Courtesy of Heather Baker

Now, I know trailers haven’t necessarily had the best reputation over the years; with the ridiculous stereotypes that these vehicles are reduced for people of a lower economic status, notorious for outdoor enthusiasts ready to climb Mount Selkirk, or the retired population. Let us break these preconceived notions that have been hammered into your brains by pop culture and I’ll show you Consuela can be the next trendy attraction at your event.

The Airstream has been making a comeback these past few years where it’s popular for celebrities to name their trailers. Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie have the “Luv Sub”, Matthew McConaughey has “The Canoe”, and Pam Anderson’s “Lovestream”, complete with a vibrating bed and stripper pole – How’s that for trendy! Even Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie travelled from Florida to their home in Beverley Hills in an Airstream in the TV show, The Simple Life.

Photo Courtesy of Sean Flanigan

So, what could you possibly do with an Airstream trailer at an event you ask? Well, transportation for starters, but also equipped with a full bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen area making it perfect for a bridal party powder room, or an event command centre. Complete with a classic streamline appearance to incorporate it as the main attraction at a vintage style wedding as a unique bar, a fast food kitchen, or even serve gourmet snow cones to your guests during the hot summer months. The possibilities are endless!

Photo courtesy of airstream bar by kate mefford

My Trip to Everest, Nepal

Have been fascinated by the Everest region of Nepal for years. It all started with my book club selecting Into Thin Air as our monthly read. Up to that point I thought anyone wanting to climb the highest mountain in the world was nuts. Had no interest in the book but thought I should at least make an effort, not expecting to finish the book.

So when I was hooked by the middle of the 1st page, I knew at some point in my life I would go to the Everest region of Nepal. So on October 3, 2009, my adventure buddy Darlene and I headed for a 17 day trek to Everest Base Camp, at an altitude of 18,000'. Highlights of my trek: hiking 4-8 hours every day; no booze; strictly vegetarian; accommodation was in $2.00 a night tea houses; no showers, electricity or flush toilets; going to bed at sunset and getting up at sunrise.

Am planning another trek to EBC in April, 2013 – want to join me?

Friday, April 15, 2011

4th Annual North Shore Mayor's Golf Charity Tournament

Planning a Successful Golf Tournament:Tips to Ensure a "Hole in One" Event!

Golf is known as a sport requiring a significant amount of forethought, planning, and precision into each swing. This is no different on the opposite end of the spectrum – an event coordinator is planning a golf tournament for a charity organization. The key to managing a successful event starts with asking five fundamental questions before putting a plan into place:

Who is participating in the event?
When should the eve
nt be?
Where should the event
take place?
What is the objective of the event?
What is my budget?

Heather Baker, the owner and principal of Amaryllis Events is seasoned in organizing fundraising events, with The Annual North Shore Mayor’s Golf Charity Tournament being her most successful venture. This annual charity event is a collaboration of the Mayor’s of the City, District of Vancouver, the Mayor’s of West Vancouver, and the Community Trust Funds of each district. Over the past three years, the event has raised contributions amounting to $348,000. Each year the proceeds have been equally divided between a local charity organization of the Mayor’s choice, and the Mayor’s Trust Fund which is managed by the North Shore Community Foundation. Heather is developing their 4th annual charity tournament coming this May 27, 2011, and will share her insights on her experience with holding fundraising events and how to manage sponsors.

Some suggestions she offers with planning a successful tournament include:

1. Know your budget! Aim to not only meet, but exceed your targets.

Have an outline of your sponsorship plan before meeting with potential businesses and vendors. Sponsorship packages should be clear and concise to attract sponsors at all levels. List local companies you wish to approach and those aligned with your event. Your sponsorships should be mutually beneficial, but focus on what they gain by supporting your event.

2. Select the right venue and date for the event.

Choose a venue that appeals to both the beginner, intermediate, and experienced golfer. The Seymour Golf and Country Club in North Vancouver is one of the best courses in BC, with a fantastic green and incredible staff. Make sure your venue meets your event’s space and accessibility requirements. Also, keep in mind other charity events in the city that may decrease attendance.

3. Never make the golf players wait for their food!

Our goal is to keep all in attendance happy. Remember generous donations don’t come from individuals that haven’t been treated properly! Incorporate a mix and mingle format for the after event where hungry golfers can easily grab a beer head to a buffet station with a selection of seafood, deli meats, or pulled pork sliders.

4. Reconsider the silent auction.

Why? They are a lot of work for about 50% of your return on investment at best. We prefer having a live auction with a fantastic auctioneer who can present bidding prices at lightning speed. This builds a sense of excitement and urgency to place a bid on an item that may become unavailable in the next minute. Avoid ordinary items like artwork – they don’t appeal to the attendees! Think outside of the box to create unique and exclusive experiences like the dinner with the Mayor package that raised us $14,000.

5. Use technology

Look for different techniques outside of the traditional print ads to create awareness about your event. Create social networking pages on programs like Facebook and also use Twitter to micro blog about the event. It is fast, easy to use and most importantly, it’s free!

6. Thank your sponsors!

Last, but probably the most important of all, thank your sponsors for their support! Always look for innovative ways to recognize your sponsors at the event. Some of our tremendous sponsors we appreciate are Seaspan, Pacific Arbour Group, and Darwin Constructions Ltd. Thank you all for your continued support!